Society 5.0 is defined as a human-centered society that balances economic progress to solve social problems through an integrated system that involves virtual and physical space. This concept allows
humans to optimize the use of modern technology (eg. Artificial intelligence) to meet our needs and to improve quality of life. As a result, communities and families are required to respond appropriately.
These changes have various consequences, and this requires strategic efforts from the community and families to obtain optimal benefits.
Individuals, as family members and community members, need to make efforts to increase self-capacity and high personal growth to answer various challenges during the Society 5.0. Strengthening family function is fundamental for sustainable national development.
Faculty of Psychology Universitas Diponegoro has a vision of becoming a center for the development of Indonesian family-based psychology, has the responsibility to be actively involved in dealing with current issues related to family empowerment. The international seminar initiated by the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Diponegoro is a real and active action to be involved in efforts to build the family as a nation's strength.