Correlation between Empowering Leadership and Generation Z Decision Making in Politics during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Herlina Harsono Njoto
Psychology Department, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java
Suryanto Suryanto
Psychology Department, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java

This research is aim to see the correlation between leadership and Generation Z decision making in politics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The criteria for the subjects in this study is Generation Z from 17 to 26 years old. This study is using non probability observation with the purposive sampling techniques. Respondent have a total 119 Generation Z. The scale to measure the correlation of leadership is used the Empowering Leadership Questionnaire scale from Arnold, et al (2000) was transadaptation into Indonesia and have a realibility value of 0.959. Decision making will be measured by Decision Making Scale from Scott and Bruce (1995) that have a reliability value of 0.866. Analyzed of the data performed by simple- linear regression techniques. The result of the data concluded that there were was a positive correlation between empowering leadership and decision making in Generation Z during the COVID-19 pandemic because the results of simultaneous hypothesis showed the coefficient r is 0.288.

Keywords: decision making, empowering leadership, generation Z